FedEx orders can be delivered to the contiguous 48 states in 1-5 business days, depending on distance to the destination. The FedEx ground map (Ground Service map) can be used to estimate ground shipping costs. Make sure that you follow the instructions on the label so that your package arrives safely. This label will need to be placed on the package so that FedEx can properly ship it. The last step is to print out the shipping label. Once you have selected the shipping option, you will need to provide your payment information. FedEx offers a variety of different shipping options, so you should be able to find one that meets your needs. The next step is to select the shipping option that you want. Once you have entered this information, you will be able to see the shipping options that are available to you. This information is important so that FedEx can give you an accurate quote. After you have selected the type of shipping, you will need to enter the weight and dimensions of your package. There are three different options: ground, express, and international. Once you have found the location, you will need to select the type of shipping that you want. You can do this by using the search bar on the FedEx website. But, how does one use the FedEx shipping map? The first step is to find the location that you want to ship your package to. If you need to ship something, chances are that FedEx can get it there for you. This company has a huge network that allows them to ship to many different locations around the world. When it comes to shipping, one of the most popular names is FedEx.